Some Online Dating Safety Tips You Should Consider

November 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Online Dating Tips

Long hours at work with even longer hours in traffic leave most of us with almost no social life and therefore no way to date anymore. Due to the fact that everything is done online today, it is with little surprise that online dating is so popular.

However, online dating can be very dangerous as well and we need to ensure our safety before we venture out on a real time date with an online friend. Here are a few online dating safety tips, which will hopefully be helpful.

Safety First

Online you can be who ever you want and it is not only the looks that you can forge but also the background, qualifications, age and marital status. It is very hard to be sure that anyone is telling the truth online simply because they don’t have to; for most it is another reality which they create in order to escape from the present one.

Don’t rush a meeting with someone online; take your time to know him or her as much as possible; the longer you spend online the harder it will get for him or her to maintain a fake identity. Request a recent photo and ask for credentials as well as ask him or her if you can verify the same.

Always meet in a public place for coffee or lunch as opposed to a late night dinner. Another online dating safety tip, which will help you is to let your family or a close friend know that you are going on this date and ensure that they will check on you to make sure you are all right. Carry a mobile phone with you and make sure it is charged.

Other Online Dating Safety Tips

Do not take your date back to your place on the first date and even on the next few others if you don’t feel fully comfortable with the same. Spend time learning about one another and find out basic things that you can check to ensure if he or she is telling the truth.

The best online safety dating tip in order not to get hurt in the process is to try and know the person first before you jump in to a relationship. Remember you don’t want your heart broken or worse you don’t want to get hurt in any way so it is best to take the relationship slow until you know as many details as possible about the person that will make you comfortable with him or her.

If you are dating through an agency read their online safety dating tips and ensure that they provide you with all details possible. Nevertheless, take your own precautions because they can not assume all the responsibility for your safety on the date.

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